Prof. Dr. Juan A. Gomez-Pulido, PhD
Full professor, IEEE senior member
Affiliation: Department of Technologies of Computers and Communications, University of Extremadura.
Escuela Politcnica. Campus Universitario s/n. 10003 Cceres (Spain)
Contact : jangomez 'at'
Short bio:
Juan A. Gómez-Pulido received the Ph.D. degree in Physics (specialization in Electronics) from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, in 1993, where he was Associate Professor of Digital Control Systems. He is currently Full Professor of Computer Organization and Design of Processors and Hardware Systems at the Department of Technology of Computers and Communications, University of Extremadura, Spain, and Visiting Professor at several universities in Spain, Portugal and Chile.
For 30 years he has researched in 43 R+D+i projects and contracts on reconfigurable and embedded computing based on FPGA devices, machine learning, optimization, metaheuristics and evolutionary computing, applied to different fields such as health and bioinformatics, among others. He is a member of 50 program committees, organizing and editorial boards, 3 research groups and 5 scientific societies and networks, and reviewer for several research funding agencies. He is IEEE Senior Member.
He has authored or co-authored 84 ISI journals with JCR impact factor, 108 book chapters, and about 300 refereed conference proceedings, and has edited 22 books and journal special issues.
In terms of teaching, he has given 17 subjects in 9 undergraduate and graduate programs at several universities, supervised 7 Ph.D. theses, 38 undergraduate and 19 graduate theses, and participated in 30 teaching innovation projects.
He has led several university management activities and is currently Chair of IEEE Spain SIGHT (Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology).